What Should I Get, Full Arch Dental Implants Or Dentures?

You may be missing all the teeth in your upper or lower jaw. Nevertheless, you have options when it comes to restoring your smile. Many adults work with their dental providers to decide whether removable dentures or full-arch dental implants make more sense. Below are some questions to ask yourself to help you determine which solution best fits your personal and healthcare goals.

Do I Want the Hassle of Caring for Traditional Dentures?

Traditional dentures require a lot of upkeep. In addition to removing them every night, you must keep them sanitized. Over time, you can expect to spend money on denture creams. Plus, your dentures will need to be replaced about every 5-10 years as the shape of your jaw changes due to progressive bone loss.

In contrast, full-arch dental implants are permanently secured in your mouth. You will need to brush and, if desired, floss them. However, they do not need any special daily attention. And you get to sleep with a full set of replacement teeth!

Am I Willing to Risk Bone Loss?

When you lose a tooth, your body immediately begins to lose bone density. Eventually, this changes the way your jaw and gum line look. Have you ever noticed that many people without teeth get a “sunken in” appearance around their cheeks and lips? This is due to bone loss.

Traditional dentures cannot stop bone loss but full-mouth dental implants can. The implants are surgically placed in your jaw, allowing them to encourage continued bone health. Being able to keep a fuller, more natural jawline is not just great for your body. It is great for your confidence, too. Plenty of people are amazed at how much younger they look after receiving full-arch dental implants.

Do I Want to Keep Paying for Dentures?

Investing in dental implants costs more upfront than investing in dentures. With that being said, dental implants pay for themselves in the long run. Dentures require constant attention and can be easier to break or lose. And remember that if you experience extensive bone loss, you may require future surgeries to restore the form and function of your jaw.

You may not have to pay for your dental implants all at once, either. Some dental insurance or medical coverage plans will pay for a part of the procedure. Plus, you could work with your provider on a financing arrangement that works with your budget. That way, you can get all the benefits of dental implants without worrying about the immediate cost.

Is It Time to Talk With a Dental Provider About Implants?

Dental implants have arisen as the top choice for tooth replacement. If you want to know how you can get the advantages that come from the latest implant technology, contact our doctor, and schedule your consultation in our office today!

Are Dental Implants Safe In The Long Run?

Dental implants are a great and commonly used option for replacing missing or damaged teeth in Jackson, MS. As such, especially if you are experiencing tooth loss or damage and are interested in receiving dental implants, you may be wondering about their overall safety and longevity. A dentist can assist you in making the best choice in deciding to receive dental implants!


The Facts About Dental Implants

Dental implant surgery is a procedure that replaces natural tooth roots with metallic or ceramic, screwlike posts; damaged or missing teeth are replaced with artificial teeth that look and function much like real ones. Dental implants can be a great alternative to dentures or bridgework that don’t fit well and can be an option when a lack of natural teeth roots doesn’t allow for building denture or bridgework tooth replacements, as they act as natural tooth roots.

Dental implant surgery may involve several procedures and is largely dependent upon the type of implant and the condition of your existing jawbone. A major benefit of implants is creating solid support for your new teeth — a process that requires bone to heal tightly around the implant. Since jawbone healing requires time, the process can take several months in total.

As with any surgical procedure, risks are involved. However, they are easily remedied and often avoided altogether due to high level expertise from the dental staff and professionals. Risks can include:

  • Infection at the implant site
  • Injury or damage to surrounding structures, such as other teeth or blood vessels
  • Nerve damage, which can cause pain, numbness or tingling in your natural teeth, gums, lips or chin
  • Sinus problems, often caused when dental implants placed in the upper jaw protrude into one of your sinus cavities


Are You Considering Dental Implants? Get An Expert!

Dental implants are, without a doubt, a great option for anyone looking to improve their smile. Overall, dental implant surgery poses minimal risk or safety issues, however, choosing the right dental professional with expertise in placing dental implants successfully, is of the utmost importance in ensuring the procedure is effective while circumventing any potential issues.

Get on track to a new smile today with dental implants with minimal safety issues in our office by Jackson, MS by contacting our doctors, Drs. Kenneth and Jonathan Nash, and scheduling your next consultation today!

Can A Dental Implant Fall Out?

What is a dental implant? A dental implant is surgically attached metal post to your jawbone as a support to an artificial tooth. After placed, a dentist or an oral surgeon screw in a replacement tooth to the implant. The success rate for a dental implant is high but there are still complications and failures that can occur, leading to an implant falling out in Jackson, MS. Studies show that about 5 to 10 percent of dental implants fall out, immediately following the procedure or years down the road.


What Are The Dental Implant Failure Risk Factors?

Gum Disease

Damage caused to the jawbone and gums from an infection. You must have healthy gums in order to have dental implant surgery. If you have active gum disease, a dentist will not perform the procedure and they will recommend gum disease treatment.


Restricts the blood flow to the gums, causing the healing processed to be slowed. Smokers’ likelihood of have dental implant failure rate up to 20 percent in recent studies. Just because you smoke doesn’t disqualify you from getting dental implants, it is encouraged that you stop smoking for a least a month to two months so that the implant and heal properly.

Insufficient Jawbone

You must have enough healthy jawbone for the implant to be placed surgically in your jaw. You may need to see a specialist to get bone grafting depending on the current health of your jawbone.

Medical Conditions

Autoimmune diseases or conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes can be a possibility factor for dental implant failure if diagnosed, which are conditions that causes the healing process to be slower. Osseointegration is caused by slowing down the healing process and the implant integrates and fuses into your jawbone.

Poor Dental Maintenance

Good oral hygiene before and after a dental implant does cause an impact on the rate of success for the implant.

Inexperienced Doctor

Not all doctors are created equal. You may be referred to a preferred doctor by your dentist, but you do have the ultimate option to select whatever provider you would like to go to.


Are You Interested In Learning More?

Schedule your consultation with us today with our doctors, Drs. Kenneth and Jonathan Nash, in our office by Jackson, MS, to start your journey to a brighter, healthier smile!

5 Reasons Why You Should Get a Dental Implant!

Many people suffer from tooth loss for one reason or another. Regardless of whether you lost a tooth to decay, disease, or an accident, we offer tooth replacement options such as dental implants in Jackson, MS. Here are five reasons why dental implants are so valuable to replace missing teeth!


1. Minimal Maintenance

Dental implants are designed to maintain the dental health of your adjacent teeth. The fixed dental implant acts as an anchor for restorations, allowing you to eat almost any food without fear of it damaging your dental work. It also helps prevent periodontal disease and provides a stable foundation for your smile.

2. Prevents Dental Problems

When you lose a tooth, the surrounding teeth shift over time, leading to dental problems such as jaw pain and even earache. Replacing missing teeth with dental Implants can eliminate these effects because they effectively support the remaining natural teeth and bones in your mouth as a tooth would.

3. Effective Replacement Option

Dental implants cost more than other dental options, but dental implants are an effective long-term replacement option for missing teeth. Unlike dentures and other dental prosthetics that may be lost or damaged, dental implants do not need replacing. Once installed, they will retain their original condition with proper oral hygiene. If you consider the cost of dental implant surgery compared to the maintenance and aesthetics costs of dental bridges, dental crowns, and dentures, dental implants are a great value!

4. Restores Function

People tend to lose natural teeth as they age because it is common for older people to suffer from medical conditions that affect tooth loss, such as diabetes or gum disease. Dental implants restore normal chewing function, speech, and facial structure by replacing missing teeth with artificial alternatives.

5. Improves Outlook on Life

Even if you have lost only one tooth, it can still affect your quality of life. You may find yourself worrying about remaining conscious about your mouth during meals out in public or avoiding certain social settings because you are self-conscious about your dental appearance. When you have dental implants, you’ll be able to enjoy a more fulfilled life without worrying about your dental health!


Considering Dental Implants?

If you are tired of your smile and want to increase your self-confidence and love how you look, contact our doctors, Drs. Kenneth and Jonathan Nash, in our office by Jackson, MS, to schedule your appointment today!

Three Compelling Benefits of Dental Implants!

With new advances in dental technology and the ease of treatment, there is no reason that every patient should not love their smile. Your smile is a big part of who you are, and we believe you should always have the confidence you need to show it off.

If you have missing or broken teeth, we offer dental implants in Jackson, MS to preserve your natural smile and that you feel great about the way you look. Dental implants are an alternative to dentures and provide unique benefits to patients!


Easy To Take Care Of:

Because dental implants replace the natural tooth entirely, they can be cared for easily. Dental implants are typically created out of metal or ceramic, which makes them highly durable and long-lasting. As a result, your implants can last for many years without any special care or attention necessary. Clean the implants as you would your natural teeth through brushing, flossing, and regular dental exams. Your standard oral hygiene regimen can protect you from potential oral health problems and gum disease problems associated with dental implants, just like natural teeth.

Preserve Your Jaw:

If you have lost teeth, your jaw may start to deteriorate from lack of use and not having anything else in place to maintain it. When the jawbone is compromised, your smile may lose its natural shape and look different. Implants are posts that are installed straight into the jawline, whereas dentures are simply an aesthetic cover. Since implants serve as a tooth root, the jawbone is preserved and will not deteriorate over time. This makes dental implants an excellent option for protecting the jawbone. With dental implants, you can keep your natural smile for years to come!

Eat What You Want:

Certain foods become difficult to eat with dentures because the teeth may slip or be too painful to eat with. After complete healing and transitioning into permanent restorations, with dental implants, you will never have to worry about losing weight or adjusting your diet simply because of missing teeth. This will open many new diet possibilities and give you more freedom with what you can eat. Enjoy all the foods you love without worrying that your teeth will fall out in the middle of a dinner party!


Considering Dental Implants?

If you are tired of your smile and want to increase your self-confidence and love how you look, contact our doctors, Drs. Kenneth and Jonathan Nash, in our office by Jackson, MS, to schedule your appointment today!

What Are The Chances of Dental Implants Causing Gum Disease?

Do you have missing teeth and are looking for a way to fill in any gaps so that you can smile big and wide again? Dental implants might be the right choice for you! Have you heard horror stories about dental implants being involved with gum disease and that has deterred you from wanting to get implants? Let’s take a look further to see what the causes of gum disease are. A dentist in Jackson, MS might recommend alternatives if your gums aren’t health enough to support the dental implant.


Gum Diseases: An Overview

Two of the most common gum diseases are gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis is a bacterial infection causing inflammation of the gums, which can turn into periodontitis if left untreated. A small space called a sulcus is the area where your gums attach to the bottom portion of your teeth. The space is large enough for food and plaque to get stuck in there causing an infection in your gums. If you do not get your gums checked or treated, gingivitis can cause a separation of the gums and the teeth, which can then cause injury to the bone supporting the tooth and soft tissue.

Dental implants cannot cause gum disease any more than natural tooth roots naturally do. In order to be considered for dental implants, your gumline needs to be healthy before a dentist in Jackson, MS will examine you for the dental implant procedure. The first step in considering you for dental implants is an evaluation. A dentist will complete a full mouth examination to let you know if your teeth and gums are healthy enough and if you are a great candidate for dental implants. If not, a dentist will recommend alternative ways to fix the missing teeth that you have or to assist you with getting your gums healthy enough for dental implant surgery.


Interested In Learning More?

Are you tired of seeing spaces in your teeth or feeling like you still have something lodged in your teeth? Are you ready to get that big, beautiful smile again and regain your confidence? Call our doctors, Drs. Kenneth and Jonathan Nash, in our office by Jackson, MS today to schedule your consultation!

Missing Teeth? Dental Implants Can Help with That!

Are you self-conscious about your smile because you have missing teeth? Did you know that your bite can be thrown out of alignment and your facial shape could change because of missing teeth? You can replace your missing teeth and get a great smile again with dental implants! A dentist in Jackson, MS might highly recommend dental implants for you as the right choice to getting back on track and getting that big, beautiful smile once again.


What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are artificial roots placed in the jawbone to replace missing teeth. You may wonder how the artificial roots stay in place. Well, overtime the bone grows around the artificial roots and that holds the roots in place. The gap is still there, but via a metal connector, the false teeth are attached; revealing a full set of teeth. There are two different types of dental implants – endosteal and subperiosteal. Endosteal are implants that are placed in the bone. They are the most common type of implants, made from material that is safe for the body, and just using one implant can anchor one or multiple teeth. The second type of implant is subperiosteal, which is used when the jawbone isn’t healthy enough to support the endosteal implant. These implants are placed above or on the bone and are not drilled into the bone.

Surgery Time And Recovery

The placement of implants can take a minimum of 3 months or as many as 9 months. The procedure is broken up into multiple appointments to cause as less pain as possible to the patient. A dentist in Jackson, MS may recommend that you see a range of dental specialists, from a periodontist to an oral surgeon before the procedure is completely done. Implant surgery is broken down into 5 different steps; evaluation (to see if your jawbones are healthy enough for the implant), placing the implant, osseointegration (a 2 to 6 month process of combing the bone), abutment placement (used to connect the implant to the missing teeth), and placing the tooth.


Interested In Learning More?

Are you tired of seeing spaces in your teeth or feeling like you can’t smile as big and wide as you want to? Call our doctors, Drs. Kenneth and Jonathan Nash, in our office by Jackson, MS to schedule your appointment today!

Advantages of Full-Arch Dental Implants vs. Dentures

If you are experiencing multiple missing teeth or are completely without teeth, full arch dental implants solutions may be a great solution to restore your smile, oral health, oral function, and may renew your self-confidence. A doctor in Jackson, MS can guide you in the right direction of choosing which option is best for you.


Dental Implants vs Dentures


Typically in the past, if a patient had multiple missing teeth, a dentist in Jackson, MS would recommend a dental bridge or denture restoration solution. Dentures are full arch prosthetics that rest on the gums. As time progresses, missing a tooth root to stimulate healthy bone growth will lead to receding bone, causing the denture to fit poorly. Poor-fitting dentures cause discomfort by rubbing against the gums, embarrassment due to slipping and shifting while talking and eating and will lead patients to utilize messy adhesives to offer stability to the prosthetic to stay in the mouth. Due to these issues, patients must return for frequent adjustments.

Dental Implants

Dental implants offer patients a long-term, stable, and reliable alternative to dentures. Dental implants can be placed along with a prosthetic – either a denture or a full arch bridge – that is attached, or snapped in place, on top. This removable feature allows for a more convenient option, with more fixed and permanent options also available.

A dental implant specialist places 2-8 dental implants into the jawbone, replacing the natural tooth roots’ function of stimulating healthy bone growth. Once the treatment site has been allowed to heal, usually 3-8 months, the prosthetic is attached for restoration purposes. In many cases, bone grafting may be done before surgery and allowed to heal to ensure the implant placement is successful.

The implant post also removes the issue of bone degradation. With a sturdy foundation, there’s no need to worry about slipping, clicking sounds, or discomfort often associated with dentures, and patients can eat the foods they enjoy again as these prosthetics do not have a palate like dentures that limit a patient’s ability to taste.


Get A New Smile Now!

With new, more stable options, there’s no need to continue dealing with the hassle of dentures. Be sure to call our doctors, Drs. Kenneth and Jonathan Nash, in our office by Jackson, MS today to bet free of poor-fitting dentures by scheduling an appointment today!

Your Guide to Caring for Your Dental Implants!

Without a doubt, dental implants have become one of the biggest, most asked-about advancements in the dentistry field. Not only do dental implants simulate the appearance and function of natural teeth, but they stimulate the surrounding bone, too. In fact, many people with missing teeth are eager to talk about dental implants in Jackson, MS with a trained dentist. And that might include you, too!

How can you make sure that you continue to get the benefits of your dental implants year after year after your placement surgery? The answer boils down to the care you put into your oral health and hygiene. Yes, dental implants are engineered to last a lifetime. But you need to do your part to ensure that they stay in tiptop condition.

Below are several ways to care for one or more dental implants so they can continue to give you the smile of your dreams.


Follow All Post-Op Instructions

After undergoing dental implant surgery, you will receive a list of post-operative recommendations. These will include anything from what types of food to eat, to what not to do, such as using tobacco products for several weeks. You should follow these instructions to the letter and call a dentist for clarification if you are confused. Prioritizing post-op guidelines helps reduce the risk of implant failure due to avoidable infection.

Become Diligent About Brushing, Flossing, and Rinsing

Your dental implants offer you an investment in your long-term wellness. One way to ensure that you take care of them for years is through daily brushing, flossing, and—if recommended by a dentist—rinsing with a special product. If you have always found it difficult to find time to perform a healthy mouth routine twice daily, make sure to schedule it into your day after receiving dental implants. The cleaner your teeth and gums, the less chance you will experience issues with your dental implants or the surrounding hard or soft tissues.

Alert a Dentist About Any Concerns

What happens if the area around your dental implants becomes red, swollen, or inflamed? How about if your dental implants begin to feel less stable? These and any other red flags need to be talked about with a dentist immediately. Why? Issues like peri-implantitis frequently respond to treatment when they are diagnosed early. But a dentist cannot help if you say nothing about your questions and problems.

Make and Maintain Dental Appointments

It is hard to underestimate the value of making and keeping your dental appointments. Even though dental implants are sturdy and dependable, they still need to be evaluated by a dentist twice a year. So do the other parts of your mouth, including your teeth, gums, inner cheeks, and tongue. Therefore, you should always strive to put a priority on getting cleanings and checkups. Remember: Prevention always costs less than intervention.


Are You Ready to Receive Dental Implants in Jackson, MS?

No doubt about it: Dental implants are a wise, practically permanent solution for anyone with missing teeth. Whether you opt for a single implant or a full arch prosthetic supported by several implants, you need to take care and maintenance of your mouth seriously. That way, you can enjoy the advantages of your dental implants for decades. Are you interested in knowing all your choices when it comes to Dental Implants? Contact our office by Jackson, MS to schedule an appointment today with our doctors, Drs. Kenneth and Jonathan Nash!

Do Dental Implants Really Function Like Natural Teeth?

If you are experiencing tooth loss or decay, you might be interested in learning about options to remedy this issue. If so, a dentist in Jackson, MS may suggest placing dental implants! Dental implants are a great way to get a new beautiful smile, and there are several options that offer this result in a natural looking and functioning way, that will allow you to execute daily activities with a new look and smile!


How Dental Implants Work:

You may be wondering about how the dental implantation process works and how your results may look. Dental implants are placed in the bone of the jaw and are then covered with a natural looking crown or tooth cap to replace any teeth that are unhealthy, crooked, or not suitable for a healthy oral environment. Before getting dental implants placed, a dental specialist in Jackson, MS can assess the health of your jaw, mouth, and gums to make sure you are the right candidate for dental implants, as this can affect the longevity of the implants.

Although dental implants function like natural teeth, it is important to care properly for them as they are an investment that is meant to last a lifetime. This means ensuring that they are cleaned per instructions from your dentist, avoiding any harsh, acidic, hard, or sticky foods, making sure to keep up with regular dental appointments to make sure things are going smoothly.

Dental implants can be a great way to achieve a new look and smile in a way that is long-lasting, natural looking, and function just like natural teeth. It is important to choose a dental professional in Jackson, MS that understands your wants and needs regarding this restorative process and will guide you in the right direction of a customized treatment plan. Your dentist should fully inspect your mouth health prior to placing the implants to ensure quality and longevity, and make sure that you are confident in your choice to get a new smile!


Ready to get started?

Get on a path to a new smile today by calling our dentistsDrs. Kenneth and Jonathan Nash, in our office by Jackson, MS to learn more and schedule a consultation today!